Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baby Lyla Nicole Watson

Well, I can't believe it. Only9 more weeks until Nicole and I will be making that trip to the hospital. I can hardly wait. We are very excited!

I surprised Nicole...she was in Michigan at a baby shower and I painted and decorated the nursery. Love Bug theme... put a border, hung curtains, assembled the millions and millions of pieces for the crib, changing table, and dresser. The room looks great...thank you to a little help from my friends, Dave & Eric.

Here is the funny part. After I finished assembling the furniture for the nursery I noticed that the crib and the changing table was slightly cracked. I said to myself..."Its okay. Nicole wont mind." Needless to say I am in the process of assembling millions of more pieces together. :-)

I will post some pictures of the Nursery soon. I have to say that I am proud.

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